New Look at Women’s Health Clinic
The main objective is to establish a clinic that provides easy access for ladies to have the right information and the appropriate screening services in private and friendly environment. Targeted population is women in the child-bearing age and beyond. The clinic would provide educational materials and consultation visit for age specific screening programs for breast
The main objective is to establish a clinic that provides easy access for ladies to have the right information and the appropriate screening services in private and friendly environment. Targeted population is women in the child-bearing age and beyond.
The clinic would provide educational materials and consultation visit for age specific screening programs for breast and cervical cancers prevention and early detection. Ladies identified with abnormalities to be referred for confirmation and early intervention track as part of the clinic setup.
Clinic would receive both scheduled and walk-in cases. The initial visit will include general assessment by a nurse practitioner and trained general/ family physician. Proper history (filled questionnaire) and physical examination to be completed and documented prior to requesting the appropriate screening package (age-specific) and as dictated by the lady’s condition.
On initial visit the risk stratification of the lady will be assessed as per patient and family history following investigations to be considered as dictated by national and international standards:
- Vital signs including height, weight and BMI.
- Basic lab tests: CBC, FBS and lipid profile (optional but recommended for ladies with high BMI)
- Mammography (as per National & International STD)
- PAP smear (as per National & International STD)
- Bone density (as per National & International STD)
Second visit to be arranged to check results with appropriate referral to other consultants as indicated.
Ladies with identified abnormalities should be fast tracked for further confirmation and interventions as indicated.
The clinic needs the usual staffing for scheduling of initial visit and for follow up beside the following individuals:
- Experienced Nurse practitioner
- Family Physician (female)
- Obstetric specialist/consultant
- Health educator
- Nutritionist
- Breast surgeon (initially part-time).
- Oncology consultant (initially part-time).
Work flow study review and design, Special questionnaire, educational materials and IT program are needed to organize and facilitate the work flow.
It’s recommended to assign special task force that includes the respective departments to oversee the project implementation.